Sunday 28 October 2012

My Baby Cirit Birit.. Apa nak buat neh!!!

Bila baby anda kerap buang air besar,ibu mana yang tak risau kan..Mula2 i ingat biasa je bcoz my baby biasa 3x sehari buang air besar everyday.1 hari dia berak sampai melecet bontotnya..kesian sungguh!tak tahu nak buat macamana.i ingat maybe silap makan coz kemarin i cuba bagi dia makan roti plain beli kat Tesco.Sehari selepas tu terus dia cirit.My baby tak penah pun berak2 sampai melecet bontotnya.Risau sungguh time tuh,sampai nak mandi pun dia nanges2 kerana pedih.Then,my hubby call her mom,tanyakan camner nak buat,my mom suruh cuba letakkan minyak johnson baby setiap kali dia pampers..alhamdulillah berkesan.Sempat jugak bawa my baby ke hospital sbb tak tahan tengok dia nanges sakit sampai tido dia pun lena.Doktor baby zinc oxide cream..alhamdulillah krim tu mmg cepatkan luka melecet sembuh.But dia still cirit.. I cuba tuka saiz pampers dia dari M ke L..susu dari Dutch Lady ke Dumex..alhamdulillah..ciritnya dah okay..nak bgi dia minum susu ni je dulu..risau kalau bagi balik susu lamanya dia cirit lagi..susah hati ibu dibuatnya. Azri danish oh Azri danishku..

Friday 19 October 2012

.. ReaDy stoCk ..

Baby t shirt milkaholic price : RM20 Size : 18-24m , 2Y

Me & My BoBoi

This is my first picture with my boboi show to my blog..this time my boboi botak..hihi..its about 4 months ago.My boboi so excited when i snap him pictures. Now,he already can crawling, ibu so tired to take of him to make sure he not falling down and become bruises.This is my interesting experiences i get when become a mummy or ibu.I love my boboi so much,everywhere i go,i will missssss him so much. My hobby when miss him so & so much,i will bring together his small towel in my funny when i tell u this funny habit.But this is real.

Raya Haji Tiba Lagi!!

When said raya preparation.not like raya puasa.everybody want to celebrate it.
This year,raya haji will be on 26th October,almost another a week to go.Flash back to the memories,i miss that time so much.This year,is a my first year celebrate it with my son, Muhammad azri Danish.I `m so excited to show him how korban begin.